About Huayou

Founded in 2002, Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise engaged in the research, development, and manufacturing of new energy Li-ion battery materials and new cobalt materials. After twenty years of development, we have established five primary business sectors, including the new energy industry, new materials industry, Indonesian nickel industry, African resources industry, and circular industry. In addition, we have also established a whole industry chain of new energy Li-ion battery materials, including the development of nickel, cobalt, and lithium resources, the green refining of non-ferrous metals, the research and development and manufacturing of Li-ion battery materials, and the recycling of resources. The company's mission is to create value for customers and lead industrial development. As the world's foremost company in the integrated green manufacturing of new energy Li-ion battery materials and as an exemplary model of listed-ESG enterprise, Huayou has consistently been committed to becoming a global leader in the new energy Li-ion battery materials, promoting green and sustainable development as well as creating a better future for humanity.

Integrasi Rantai Industri Huayou

Huayou Consumer Worldwide

Huayou Business Distribution Worldwide

Huayou has fully entered the global mainstream automotive company's ternary material supply chain and has established deep cooperation with well-known car producers companies such as Tesla, BMW, Volkswagen, and Ford.

Battery Manufacturers

Automobile Manufacturers and Terminal Customers

Huayou Collaboration With BMW Group
Huayou Collaboration With Volkswagen (China)
Huayou Collaboration With LG Chemical
Huayou Collaboration With Vale Indonesia
Huayou Collaboration With Vale & Ford
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