Huayou Indonesia Business for the Country


Indonesia Pomalaa Industry Park (IPIP)

Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Indonesia Pomalaa Industrial Park (IPIP) is a comprehensive closed industrial area as part of the lithium battery industry chain located in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. IPIP's companies consist of HPAL, RKEF, refining, precursors, cathode materials, lithum ternary batteries, battery recycling and various other companies. IPIP uses gas, water and solar panel power sources as environmentally friendly green energy sources, aiming to build a world-class lithium battery industrial area with leading technology, resource conservation, environmentally friendly and guided by leading ESG principles.


Huayue HPAL Project

Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Huayue Nickel Cobalt is currently the largest HPAL project in the world that has started production. The project adopts 3rd Generation HPAL technology, which has the characteristics of high technical threshold, has a significant impact on industrial development, implements energy conservation and environmental friendliness, resource conservation and comprehensive refining of various valuable metals. Huayue Nickel Cobalt has set world records for the smelter with the largest scale, the most environmentally friendly, the fastest construction, and the shortest ramp-up period among similar projects.


Huafei HPAL Project

Weda Bay Industrial Park, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
The Huafei Project Base adopts the 4th Generation of HPAL Technology, which has multiple advantages such as short process, low energy consumption and environmentally friendly. After completion, it will replace the Huayue Nickel Cobalt Project position and become the World's largest laterite nickel ore hydrometallurgy project.


Huake RKEF Project

Weda Bay Industrial Park, Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia
Huake project adopts mature RKEF + ferronickel sulfidation and blowing process technology, and uses laterite nickel ore to produce ternary precursor intermediates of new energy materials.


KNI HPAL Project

Pomalaa District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
The Pomalaa project is a nickel resource smelting joint venture project by Huayou Cobalt, Vale and Ford Motor in Indonesia. The project will elaborates the advantages of all parties in terms of resources, technology and industrial chain, realize low-carbon, green and sustainable resource development, and contribute to the economic and social development of Indonesia, which has received great recognition from the Indonesian government.


Sorowako Project

Sorowako, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
The Sorowako project is another cooperation between Huayou Cobalt and Vale after Pomalaa HPAL project. It is another perfect combination of Vale's resource advantages and Huayou Cobalt's advanced HPAL technology. Both parties will committed to realizing low-carbon, green and sustainable resource development, and contributing to the economic and social development of Indonesia.
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