President Joko Widodo Welcome Chairman Chen Xuehua at The G20 Summit

14 Feb 2023

During G20 Summit on November 16, 2022 in Bali, Indonesia, President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and President Joko of Indonesia reached an important consensus on building a Chinese-Indonesian community which pointed the course for the development of Huayou and other Chinese companies.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo welcomed Chen Xuehua, Chairman of Huayou Cobalt on November 17 2023. President Joko Widodo highly affirmed the development of Huayou and other Chinese enterprises in Indonesia, and commended Huayou for its contribution to the economic development of the investment area. Chairman Chen Xuehua stated that Huayou will continue to firmly practice the investment philosophy of "No matter where you invest, you must contribute to the local economic and social development", live up to the expectations of President Joko Widodo and Indonesian community, and continue to contribute to Indonesia's industrial transformation, economic take-off and social progress.

During the G20 summit, Luhut, Coordinating Minister of Marine and Investment of Indonesia supported the company by having an in-depth discussion with Chairman Chen Xuehua for the future development of Huayou in Indonesia.

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