Huayou invites 26 scholarship recipient students to visit factories in China

July 16, 2024

Huayou held summer practical activities for 26 Indonesian students who received 52 Metallurgical Engineering scholarships at Northeastern University. This activity took place by inviting student groups exclusively to the Huayou Factory in the Quzhou Industrial Park and Tongxiang Head Office. China on July 8-14, 2024.

In accordance with the company's mission, Chairman Chen Xuehua said that this activity aims to maintain interaction, create trust, strengthen direction, and develop talent in accordance with Huayou's business needs. Apart from that, this activity is also in line with Huayou's principle, "wherever we invest, we must contribute to local economic and social development". Through this activity. We also hope to encourage alignment of overseas project development with the development of ESG systems, promote talent localization strategies, and strengthen international business patterns.

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