Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Visits Huayou Factory in Quzhou, China

June 3, 2024

Quzhou, China – Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif conducted an inspection of the Huayou factory on 25-26 May 2024.

In this review. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and his entourage received a direct explanation regarding factory operations by Chen Xuehua, Chairman of Huayou. During its investment in Indonesia, Huayou was proven to have fulfilled the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) value components well. This factor is one of the reasons for choosing Huayou as a company with a foundation and reputation that can be trusted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as a partner for nickel downstream projects in Indonesia.

Selain mengunjungi pabrik Huayou, rombongan Kementerian
ESDM also visited the Qianjiang Motorcycle factory in Taizhou and the Siekon Transmission Technology company in Tongxiang. This review was carried out to see the potential for collaboration in the field of research that focuses on electric motorbike conversion in Indonesia.

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